Primary Ballet A – Kindergarten
Students will learn ballet vocabulary, precise ballet movements and positions. Teamwork is also cultivated as the class learns to move across the floor, one after the other, in groups, or altogether. Space, time, levels and energy are all explored. Creative dance elements are included too.
Class dress code: Light blue leotard, pink tights, pink ballet slippers. A ballet skirt is permitted, no tutus. Hair in a bun.
Primary Ballet B – 1st grade
Young dancers will be encouraged to be more aware of their posture, body alignment and basic ballet technique in this class. Vocabulary and classical dance movement will be introduced. Short dances will be taught and performed in class for their peers.
Class dress code: Navy blue leotard, pink tights, pink ballet slippers. Ballet skirts are permitted. Long hair must be in a bun. Short hair must be pulled back.
Primary Ballet C – 2nd grade
Ballet students in this class begin with a quick warm up around the room, after which students move to the center of the room for a non-
Class dress code: Lavender leotard, pink tights, pink ballet slippers. A ballet skirt is permitted. Long hair must be in a bun. Short hair must be pulled back.
Students in these levels will work on conditioning the body by improving alignment and placement, utilizing maximum turnout and correct posture, as well as gaining a working knowledge of basic ballet vocabulary. Two classes/week highly recommended.
Class dress code: royal blue leotard, pink tights, pink ballet slippers. A ballet skirt is permitted. Long hair must be in a bun. Short hair must be pulled back.
Special attention is paid to the feet in preparation for pre-
Class dress code: burgundy leotard, pink tights, pink ballet slippers. A ballet skirt is permitted. Long hair must be in a bun. Short hair must be pulled back.
Emphasis on technique and performance qualities. Three classes/week required.Four classes/week highly recommended.
Class dress code: black leotard, pink tights, pink ballet slippers. A ballet skirt is permitted. Long hair must be in a bun. Short hair must be pulled back.
Emphasis on technique and performance qualities. Special attention given to the use of arm coordination and épaulement. More complex arm coordination given. Four classes/week required. Two Ballet, two Pointe.
Class dress code: black leotard, pink tights, pink ballet slippers. A ballet skirt is permitted. Long hair must be in a bun. Short hair must be pulled back.
Strong technique with more emphasis on performance qualities. Understanding of body placement, all ballet terminology, and more complex arm coordination will be introduced. Females are required to be en pointe for an entire class one day/week. Four classes/week required.
Class dress code: black leotard, pink tights, pink ballet slippers. A ballet skirt is permitted. Long hair must be in a bun. Short hair must be pulled back.