Competition team is truly a dance family that sweats together, laughs and cries together, develops long lasting friendships, support, time management skills, self-discipline, responsibility, builds self-confidence, respect and works as a team while having FUN doing it!
Dancers are required to take specific classes to help them develop their technique, flexibility, and skills in dance so that they can execute their dances with confidence and ability.
Required classes:
- Hip Hop Teams
- Hip Hop
- Ballet
- Acro
- Jazz and Musical Theater Teams
- Jazz
- Ballet
- Hip Hop Teams
Competition Team Policy & Guidelines:
- No more than 2 absences allowed per semester for required classes
- No more than 1 absence per semester allowed for Competition rehearsals
- (this is non-negotiable)
Please schedule your vacations/activities/events accordingly and use absences for true illness or emergency/extreme circumstances*
- Competitions do NOT give us our dance time slot/awards info until the WEEK BEFORE, you will need to Block Our the ENTIRE weekend until we are notified these details
- **Please also note this includes early in the morning and into the night hours.
- Competitions do NOT give us our dance time slot/awards info until the WEEK BEFORE, you will need to Block Our the ENTIRE weekend until we are notified these details
- CALL TIME for competitions will always be an hour before our performance time slot.
- This is so we can settle in, warm up, change, get hair/make up done.
- Also, in case we RUN EARLY, sometimes when we get there they could perform earlier if performances are moving along that day.
- The instructor chooses the costume that they feel is creatively appropriate for that particular dance and song. There is always the option to wear a nude leotard if needed.
- You are responsible for caring for your costumes, keeping them organized and clean. Having make up and supplies you need. Also, having shoes and accessories you need.
- *It may be helpful to create a check list of your things so that you can keep track and stay organized.
Competition Dancers follow and represent the Culture of the studio:
Showing kindness to others and being respectful to teachers, adults and other students. Helping each other whether it be with choreography or something someone needs, encouraging each other, having a positive attitude, and building each other up. These are the expectations of behavior and attitude at the studio, in classes and during rehearsals. Anything else will not be tolerated and will immediately be addressed.
Competition is a Team, we depend on each other and work together so that it’s the best experience possible.
Communication will be regularly through email. If you have any questions, please feel free to email